Prashant Reddy is a young farmer from a village called Batlahalli in Karnataka, near Chintamani. As with most people in the region, his family was an agrarian family as well. Both his parents were engaged in agriculture but they urged him to pursue his education and not get involved with the farm.
And so he did - He pursued his education in IT and after completing his post-graduation, was an assistant professor in Kolar at a university and worked in the IT industry for many years. This was the time when he felt the call, and decided to leave it all and head back to his village. He decided to use his education and experience and put it towards farming.
Prashanth’s family, a few years prior had suffered greatly from the glaring pitfall of chemical farming - failed crops. When their crop failed, the family was left with a huge debt.
When Prashanth returned to the fields, he vowed to change the way they practiced agriculture. After consulting with some mentors from an agricultural university, he started practicing organic farming.